推广 热搜: 苗木    来安    龙柏  广玉兰  绿化苗木  紫薇  苗圃  红叶石楠 


   日期:2020-01-15     来源:中国苗圃基地    作者:垂垂柳    浏览:772    评论:0    






蜡梅 Drought-resistant and fearful, the position should be dry and sunny, to prevent water stains, should master the principle of "do not dry, dry, and then poured." During the growing season of蜡梅 from April to May, depending on the growth potential, when the new shoot grows to l0 cm, the intermittent扣水 treatment should be carried out in time, and it should be controlled until mid-June, when the flower buds have been differentiated before they can be normalized. Watering. During this period, it is necessary to spray water in the canopy in time for the branches and shoots with obvious new shoots of扣水 pots to prevent damage caused by excessive water loss and burn injury. In the autumn, keep the soil moist and reduce the amount of watering, as long as the soil is slightly moist. Before and after the flowering period, water should be watered in an appropriate amount. Otherwise, the flowering period will not occur, and the viewing effect will be greatly reduced. In addition, too much water is prone to falling buds, and the viewing period of蜡梅 bonsai flowers is shortened, which does not achieve the desired viewing effect.

2. Rational fertilization

蜡梅 Hi-fertilizer, timely and reasonable fertilization, can not only promote the normal growth of蜡梅 bonsai foliage, but also promote flower bud differentiation and more flowering. -In the spring, the application of the leaf fertilizer, the application of the secondary decomposed liquid cake fertilizer in the middle and late May to June, the high temperature season of the Futian is蜡梅 flower bud differentiation period, and also the蜡梅 new root growth stage, which can be carried out with 0.25% potassium dihydrogen phosphate Spraying 5 to 8 times outside the roots to promote flower bud differentiation, and then applying the secondary rot liquid cake fertilizer in the autumn to accelerate flower bud filling and rapid expansion. In winter, the whole fertilizer is mainly based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. only scientific and rational fertilization according to the growth characteristics of蜡梅 can meet the needs of蜡梅 bonsai multi-flowering. Pruning and plastic surgery

xx 蜡梅的修枝整形,是保持或促进蜡梅盆景的树形美观,促进蜡梅正常生长,保证蜡梅正常开花的 - 项重要手段.蜡梅盆景修剪不及时或修剪不当,会导致蜡梅盆景树形凌乱,生长




蜡梅盆景通常摆放在通风透光的地方, - 般发生病虫害较少因摆放过密,光照不强,通风条件较差,有可能会发生枯枝病和叶斑病,可用多菌灵,代森锌可湿性粉剂500倍液进行喷酒防治个别植株会有少量的红蜘蛛,介壳虫和粉虱等虫害危害。 - 般用蚧螨灵,三氯杀螨醇等杀螨杀蚧剂药剂进行防治即可


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